In March the cold days passed by and from being cooped up in the house we all got a case of the sillies.
In April we enjoyed watching Kamden play YMCA basketball. He was so fun to watch. He would get super excited, skip up and down the court and when he would make a basket he would jump for joy. He had a ton of fun and was always a very good sport. Also this month we celebrated Easter, Justin went on a camp out with the scouts (in the snow), we went on a trip to Utah with some friends, and I turned 30!!!! Justin spoiled me rotten with 30 different gifts and planned and amazing dinner and party. What a guy! To be honest with you 30 feels great! My life is filled with joy and lots of love, what more could a girl ask for?
In May the weather started warming up and we got to enjoy the outside again. I got to use my new birthday present lots (my awesome new bike). We also enjoyed days at the park, Kamdens school music program (boy does he love to sing and dance) and flying kites. I felt really special on Mothers Day with all the sweet homemade cards and my boys made me and the rose bush Justin bought me.
June, July, and August are incredibly busy months for us. I love it! The sun is shinning, the boys are out of school, and there are many adventures to be had. Kamden finished up first grade, Karson graduated from preschool and summer was in full force. We celebrated Birthdays Kams on the 13th and Karsons on the 30th. Went camping over memorial day with a day trip to Jackson hole for some swimming fun. Celebrated Fathers day. Watched the 4th of July Parade, watched fireworks up by the river with Audra and Aaron. Went to the circus. Went to three different family reunions. Enjoyed some time at the cabin. The boys took swimming lessons two times. Celebrated Marys 50th birthday party with a huge party at the Country Club. Justin went on a week long backpacking trip to the wind rivers with the scouts, then in early August took a week long vacation to Alaska with his Dad and brothers. On the 9th of August Justin and I celebrated 10 years of marital bliss. We celebrated by traveling to Utah for the weekend. We went to a fabulous restaurant and had an amazing dinner, then went and watched the Broadway show Wicked. It was AWESOME! Justin spoiled be with 10 dozen roses and I got him a fancy new watch. We are so lucky to have each other. These summer months passed by way to quickly!
Fathers Day.
Tired Hiker.

Birthday kitty. He named him Rocket.
Happy 4th Of July!
Swimming Time.
Kamden is a natural when it comes to Kayaking.
Happy 10 Year Anniversary!
My hot Date!
At the end of August we went to Boise for Paytons baptism. We had fun hanging out as a family and the boys got to go to build a bear and make a stuffed animal. September came and we were able to have a few last hurrahs before summer ended. We went to Island Park with my parents and had a blast taking a whole day riding in the back country. One of our families favorite things to do.
The boys went back to school Sept 5th. Kamden is in Second Grade and has Mrs.Robison and Karson started Kindergarten and has Mrs. Ball. As tradition has it we always take the boys out to breakfast on the first day of school. Its a fun way to start the morning. Kamden especially loved riding the bus. Other September Highlights were Spud Day, A trip to Twin Falls to visit the Glecklers, Justin went to the city of rocks to do some climbing, a visit from our friend Adrian Elliot, oh ya and Oliver learning the art of climbing out of his cage, oh i mean crib. :)

In October we went looking for fall leaves, we went on a hike and had a picnic. The boys were in full swing working hard at school and we all ate way to much candy on Halloween. This year I was in charge of our ward Halloween party and it was super stressful. Luckily I pulled everything off and it turned out to be a very fun night had by all. On the actual night of Halloween we went trick-or-treating with the Johnsons and had pizza at Grandpa and Grandmas. We even found time to stop in Grandma Voyles work to trick or treat. With Karlee, Tu-Tu, Payton and Meghan we went trick or treating at a local business.
Unfortunately I don't have too many pictures of November. Some highlights: Me and the boys took a trip to Utah to visit Aunt Tessa. We had fun playing at Chuck E Cheese, Visiting Tessas dentist office, playing wii, and getting to hang out. The boys had no idea we were planning on going. I packed all their stuff and hid it in the back and told them we were going on a drive. They kept asking what we were doing and why it was taking so long but i was able to keep them distracted pretty good. They were super surprised when we showed up at Tessas work and they spotted her. They were even more excited to find out that we were sleeping over at her house for a couple days. It was a fun trip. I really enjoyed going with the girls and decorating a tree for the festival of trees. We had a fun time visiting with family that was in town. Thanksgiving was great. We had a low key dinner at the Johnsons on Thanksgiving day, a nice dinner with Justins mom the next day, and that weekend we had a dinner at my parents to celebrate the Holiday. Tessa, my mom and I went shopping on black Friday. We got a late start and were at it all day long, but it was fun hanging with the gals.