Friday, March 27, 2009


I'm getting some much needed R and R at the cabin right now but just wanted to take a little time out to introduce Mr. Justin T. Johnson!! Several of you read his blog post last year on our family blog and due to many request he has now started his own. It's witty, smart, and defiantly entertaining, so you can check it out at



Jamie said...

I have to admit...when I saw from my blog that you had a new post called "Introducing..." I wondered what you could be introducing. I immediately thought...oh, she is going to have an ultrasound picture posted introducing the newest member of their family!!! I was so excited! Okay, so I was a bit disappointed to see that I was wrong.

But, I am excited that Justin has his own blog. I think more guys should have blogs. They have a lot of good to say. I enjoyed Justin's post, always thought provoking. I hope he keeps it up!

Maybe soon there will be another "Introducing..." post and it will be what I thought!! :) :)

The WIlloughby Family said...

I am with Jamie...I so thought you were prego. HAHAHA

Valerie said...

tell Justin I loved all of his post so far. I love reading guys blogs, I love us girls blogs too, but it's always so great to hear "guy" talk. Brand might start a blog and I am way excited about it because I love how he writes and I love to hear his interests. I think it's always good to express yourself. (oh tell Justin I tried to leave a comment on his blog but it wouldn't let me :(