Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Missing something?

The tooth fairy has been a frequent visitor at our house lately. Kamden has lost four of his baby teeth. He just lost another one the other day and now is missing his two front teeth. Can anyone say "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth".

I will have to get some more pictures, these were before he lost his other front tooth. Non the less he is still a little cutie pie.

Weird story though- Out of all four teeth only one has actually made it under the pillow. First one he was showing Karson and dropped it on the carpet.
After looking for hours for it we finally wrote a note to the tooth fairy and put that under his pillow. Well lets just say she is getting used to those notes by now. 2nd tooth he pulled out on his own downstairs and came upstairs later and told me "I lost my tooth, and now I can't find it anywhere." Yah literally LOST his tooth. Third one I pulled out with floss and we hang on to that baby and put it in this cute little tooth pillow my sister made. I watched that one like a hawk and thankfully it paid off Kamden received 2$ and the tooth fairy finally saw a tooth. The 4th tooth came loose at school and his teacher wrapped it in tin foil to make sure it made the journey home. We carefully placed the tinfoil on the table and slowly carefully unwrapped the foil. I was not about to let another tooth go missing! Low and behold NO TOOTH! No idea where it went but Kamden swears he didn't open it to show anyone. hmmm. So another note for the tooth fairy it is. I always ask Kamden what he wants me to write to her. This time he wrote:

Dear tooth fairy,
I am sorry I lost another tooth. I love you tooth fairy. I would like 1 dollar 2 quarters and five pennies. (the tooth fairy was happy about this. Nothing like a little tooth depreciation.) Love Kamden

What a cutie pie! So now my little two front toothless boy is 1 dollar 2 quarters and five pennies richer!

1 comment:

Matt and Jessie said...

So funny! I am sure you will slowly start running across random teeth in your house! I can't believe they have all fallen out so close together. That kid is making bank! Too bad he wanted less money. Lol!