Meet our new little puppy! She is a mix between a Maltese and a Yorkie. She is very small and only weights around three pounds. Full grown she will probably only be six. I am a little nervous how this is going to work out having two wild boys! She is already such a good puppy. She loves the boys and they love her. I think Justin is the one who adores her most. He is the one that wanted to get her, not that I objected. The best part about her is that she is hypo-allergenic, that means no shedding! We are excited to have her.
We have had a very busy last week. Since we took the binky away Kamden has had a really hard time sleeping, instead he started getting up and playing with his toys. So we made the decision to move all the toys out of his bedroom and into a new toy room, and move him into a twin bed. This has worked wonderful. He really likes his new big boy bed, and the toy room is great for them. (I love it too.) Justin finished up with classes this last week and has a three week break until he starts up again. He also had to travel back up to Canada for work. Along with all this he is assistant coaching a 12 year old boys soccer team. We all went to the soccer game Saturday morning. The boys loved being outside. It was so cute to see Kamden mimic Justin. Justin would yell "go,go, go" then Kamden would yell go, go, go. Justin would clap Kamden would clap. Justin would jump up and down, Kamden would jump up and down. The team unfortunately lost 1-0 but they sure played a good game. Since joining the Community Center we have had so much fun taking the boys swimming at the indoor pool. Kamden has really became more comfortable in the water and Karson just loves it. It is a really nice pool and great for them.
Karson is getting so big. He is now standing up all by himself. No steps yet. His hair is also getting really curly it is so cute! The weather last week was so nice. It was wonderful. We all enjoyed getting outisde again. It was a nice change from a really long winter. The boys have really enjoyed the back yard and the wagon rides. Yesterday we had a BQ. I just love the warm weather and am so excited for it to be here for awhile.
She is SOOOO cute! What is her name? Does she let you keep the bow on her?
Karson seems like he has grown a ton in the past few weeks- maybe it is just the pics. I LOVE his sweet little curls!
Cute little puppy! Yes, I remember those long Michigan winters - I don't miss them AT ALL! Cute pictures.
Karson is standing boy... my little brockie won't even move yet! He is getting so heavy! Your boys crack me up! They are so sweet and I love the new puppy
Chels what a cute little puppy! We have a shitzu and he is the best mellow dog, and he also loves the kids. I love karson's hair too, I't letting Briggs grow out to see what it looks like too. SO how are you doing? Hey what does Justin do that makes him have to travel into Canada? Any way, it looks like you guys are doing great! Talk to you later :)
So adorable-- A little bit smaller than Kodiak :) When does Justin have to go back to school. I bet the kids love having him as a coach. Good luck!
I love your puppy. I can't wait to have a home so we can get a dog, better yet, I can't wait until we can afford a dog. Ha Ha Ha. She is such a cute puppy.
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